Nicole C. Lee


Nicole Lee is a survey researcher, improviser, and musician. She has studied improv since Fall 2009 under Betsy Stover, Ben Rodgers, Gavin Speiller, Kevin Hines, Shannon O'Neill, Lydia Hensler, Jordan Klepper, Ryan Karels and Will Hines (UCB-NY); Megan Johns, Kyle Dolan, Susan Messing, Rebecca Sohn, Mark Sutton, Rich Sohn and Mick Napier (Annoyance); Tara DeFrancisco (iO Chicago); and Rick Andrews, Russ Armstrong, Louis Kornfeld, Alex Marino, Peter McNerney, Megan Gray, Chet Siegel and Hannah Chase (Magnet). Nicole has also enjoyed the tutelage of greats like Kate Riley, Kirk Damato and Don Fanelli. Her improv style and philosophy is an amalgamation of all of these influences.

Nicole has performed in various shows at The UCB, The PIT, The Magnet and other indie venues around NYC. She has performed in a various sized groups (8-person, 7-person, 4-person, 3-person, 2-person). She has also appeared in the 2011 and 2012 UCB 3-on-3 tournament, the 2012, 2013 and 2014 Del Close Marathon and UCB Indie Cage Match. She has co-produced Pou & Nic: You're Welcome and The Melange, monthly variety shows at The PIT.

As a coach, Nicole emphasizes playing with specificity, strong character development and encourages listening and group ownership. She often blogs about improv stuff ( and has an intellectual/analytical view of improv. She has coached QSIC house team Meryl and recently directed her own form, The Anagram, at the Magnet Theater.

Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre

  • Student

Magnet Theater

  • Student
  • Peformer

The Annoyance Theatre

  • Student
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Green = Available Last updated almost 9 years ago
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